This is not advisable. When discussing an employee’s performance or conduct, the supervisor should not suggest, speculate, or inquire about a medical or disability reason for the employee’s behaviors or issues. There may be situations in which additional nuance is needed:
– Has the employee previously made mention of having a disability or medical condition?
– Do you have reason to suspect that the employee has a disability or medical issue?
– Have you observed any changes in the employee’s physical movements or behaviors that you think may be related to a disability or medical condition?
In any of these situations, we recommend a cautious approach. While keeping the primary focus on the performance or behaviors, and documenting those as appropriate, it is also valid to ask very generally, “How can I help?” or “Is there anything we haven’t discussed yet that may be impacting your performance?”
You can also state, “All university employees have the right to seek reasonable accommodations for a disability or medical condition. If that is something you’d like to learn more about, I would be happy to provide you with the contact information for the Accessibility & Accommodations Division.”