Reporting a Problem

If there is an immediate risk to health or safety, please call 911 to connect with medical support or local law enforcement. Reports submitted using the following links may not be reviewed outside of business hours or on weekends or university holidays.

Please use one of our two main reporting forms above to submit a report. (Reports and claims submitted via the sex-based misconduct form above will be submitted to the Title IX Office and routed to the appropriate office if OAE does not have jurisdiction over the matter.)

For more information about discrimination and harassment policies, resources, and services, please view the main page of our Discrimination and Harassment section.

Confidentiality and Privacy

The University offers confidential campus resources.

If you choose to submit a report to OAE, or if you report to a Responsible Employee, the university will protect your privacy (and the privacy of other parties) to the extent possible, while also fulfilling our obligations under federal and state law. To learn more about responsible employees and their reporting obligations, please see the Responsible Employee FAQ page on the Title IX office website.

The person submitting a report has the right to ask for anonymity or confidentiality. However, if the university honors a request for anonymity or confidentiality, that may impair the university’s ability to fully investigate and respond to the incident, including disciplining or taking other action against a perpetrator.

  • Requests for confidentiality will be balanced against the campus’ obligation to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all members of the community. The campus will consider several factors in determining whether it is able to honor a request for confidentiality, including but not limited to:
  • Have there been other complaints of the same conduct against the alleged perpetrator?
  • Does the alleged perpetrator have a history of arrests or records indicating a history of harassment/misconduct?
  • Has the alleged perpetrator threatened further harassment/misconduct against the complainant, or others?
  • Was the harassment/misconduct perpetrated by multiple individuals?
  • Does the report of harassment/misconduct reveal a pattern of perpetration at a given location or by a particular group?
  • Was a weapon involved?
  • Are there other means of obtaining relevant information?

Reporting to University of Illinois offices

Contact information for University of Illinois offices that handle discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, or retaliation issues:

Office for Access & Equity

Handles discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and Title IX matters involving faculty, staff, students, and visitors to the campus.

Office for Access & Equity
614 E. Daniel Street, Suite 303
Champaign, IL 61820
PHONE: (217) 333-0885
FAX: (217) 244-9136
TTY: (217) 244-0221

Title IX Coordinator

Receives all reports of discrimination based on sex including reports of sex-based harassment and sexual misconduct, connects individuals to available resources and support services, facilitates supportive measures and remedies, and reviews reporting options. Answers questions for individuals regarding the reporting process or the policy and provides training options.

Danielle Fleenor, JD, PhD
Title IX Coordinator
614 E. Daniel Street, Suite 303
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 333-3333

ADA Coordinator

Receives reports of discrimination based on disability including failure to accommodate. Provides campus-wide oversight of disability and accessibility compliance.

Nizam Arain
Interim ADA Coordinator
614 E. Daniel Street, Suite 303
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 333-0885

Office for Student Conflict Resolution

Handles student code violations (including discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct) where the respondent is a student.

409 Student Services Building
610 E John Street
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 333-3680

University of Illinois Police Department

Responds to reported crimes that occur on the University of Illinois campus and adjacent jurisdictions. Works closely with the Champaign and Urbana police departments and the Sheriff’s office on criminal matters involving Illinois students.

1110 W. Springfield Avenue
(Northeast corner of Goodwin and Springfield)
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: 217-333-1216
TTY: 217-244-7209
Fax: 217-244-1979

Reporting to External Agencies

Contact information for external agencies that receive and respond to complaints of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, or retaliation:

Illinois Department of Human Rights

The Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) is the state agency responsible for enforcing the Illinois Human Rights Act. A discrimination charge can be initiated by calling, writing, or appearing in person at the Department’s Chicago or Springfield office within 180 days of the date of the alleged discrimination.

Springfield Office
222 South College
Room 101
Intake Unit
Springfield, IL 62704
PHONE: (217) 785-5100
TTY: (866) 740-3953
FAX: (217) 785-5106

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has the authority to investigate charges of discrimination against employers who are covered by the law.

Chicago District Office
500 West Madison Street
Suite 2000
Chicago, Illinois 60661
PHONE: (800) 669-4000
TTY: (312) 869-8001
FAX: (312) 869-8220

Office for Civil Rights

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the United States Department of Education enforces several federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education.

Chicago Office
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
Citigroup Center
500 W. Madison Street, Suite 1475
Chicago, IL 60661-4544
PHONE: (312) 730-1560
TDD: (800) 877-8339
FAX: (312) 730-1576

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority

Employees who believe that they have encountered discrimination in any terms or conditions of employment, including but not limited to hiring, selection, promotion, transfer, pay, tenure, discharge, and discipline may file a complaint with the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA).

Complaints filed with ICJIA may be filed via the web (, email ( or postal mail to:
Civil Rights Officer
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
300 West Adams Street, Suite 200
Chicago, Illinois 60606