Salary Equity Resources

Salary Discrimination Complaints

University policy prohibits salary discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, and other protected classifications.

Complaints should be directed to the Office for Access and Equity and will be addressed pursuant to the Nondiscrimination Policy (or the Sex-Based Misconduct Policy which prohibits discrimination based on sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy or related conditions).

Please use the following link to submit a report, or expand the box below for more information about salary discrimination investigations.

More information about salary discrimination investigations

Salary equity complaints based on a protected classification are addressed by the EEO Division of OAE, utilizing the same procedures that would apply to other kinds of discrimination, harassment, or sex-based misconduct complaints.

Staff in the EEO Division will assess the report, contact the complainant, and gather any additional information needed to determine whether the matter will lead to a formal investigation, informal resolution, or other outcome. 

When EEO Division conducts a formal investigation, our investigator will gather and evaluate all available relevant information in order to determine, by a preponderance of the evidence, whether there has been a violation of the university’s Nondiscrimination Policy or Sex-Based Misconduct Policy. A salary equity investigation would include any/all of the following steps that would be appropriate based on the nature of the allegations:

  • Consulting with the Affirmative Action Analytics & Planning Division of OAE to obtain current and past salary data and demographic breakdowns.
  • Gathering and evaluating comparison data and other evidence that might weigh for or against a finding of a policy violation. 
  • Interviewing administrators in the relevant departements or units to learn about the rationales for salary decisions.
  • Consulting with the Office of the Provost, Illinois Human Resources, and other offices or administrators.

The complainant in a formal salary equity investigation has the opportunity to share comparison data and other evidence with the investigator in support of their allegations.

As in all formal investigations, the process will conclude with a report summarizing the evidence and the findings. After any appeals are resolved, OAE will meet with the relevant unit leadership and other stakeholders will meet to discuss the report and make recommendations to the supervising administrator for next actions based on the findings. 

For more information, please see our Discrimination and Harassment page, or contact us at or 217-333-0885, option #2. 

Other Salary Equity Resources

For salary-related concerns that are not related to a protected classification, please contact the Office of the Provost (for faculty) or Illinois Human Resources (for all other employee categories).

For salary data or information related to the salary processes in the university’s affirmative action plan, please contact the Affirmative Action Analytics & Planning Division of OAE. This division provides details on how salary decisions align with federal affirmative action regulations, as well as what procedures are in place. More information on salary equity in the affirmative action context is available from the Department of Labor.