Search Process Toolkit

At the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, recruiting and hiring new employees is one of our most important cooperative responsibilities. This toolkit is designed to provide resources to guide you through the various stages of the search process, to ensure the university is recruiting talent and making hiring decisions in a fair and equitable way.  

Train the Search Team 

Inclusive Hiring at Illinois Training

The Inclusive Hiring at Illinois training must be completed annually by EEO officers/vice chair/assistant vice chairs, and every two years by hiring managers, search committee chairs, diversity advocates and search committee members.

Understand and Mitigate Bias

Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) Resources

To set up an account with HERC please go to their login page and click on Register here. Once an account has been established members can access many resources, including a Faculty Search Committee Training Toolkit which has short films about The Committee, The Recruitment Plan, Reviewing the Applicants, as well as Campus Visits and In-Person Interviewing.


Additional Educational Resources