Hiring Process Training and Workshops

The Affirmative Action Analytics and Planning Division offers many different training and workshop opportunities for our campus partners. We have online versions of some of our most requested workshops. Upcoming training opportunities will be posted on our calendar. In-person trainings and workshops can be scheduled by request.

Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring

Inclusive Hiring at Illinois 

The Inclusive Hiring at Illinois online program is a mandated training for EEO officers, vice chairs, assistant vice chairs, hiring managers, diversity advocates, search committee chairs and members. The goal of this training is to explain affirmative action, equal employment opportunity, the search process, mitigating implicit bias, as well as other issues that can affect the fairness of the search. The training will be available to all employees on Canvas, and those needing to complete the training will receive an email notification with instructions.

You can access the training here. EEO officers, vice chairs, and assistant vice chairs are required to complete this training annually, while hiring managers, diversity advocates, search committee chairs and members must complete it every two years. Access to applications for the search you are serving will be granted only after you successfully complete the online program. Once completed, individuals may serve in their role for two years before needing to retake the training, except for EEO officers, vice chairs, and assistant vice chairs, who require annual training. You can  monitor training completion through a spreadsheet that is updated daily.

If you have questions regarding this training, please contact us at accessandequity@illinois.edu